Customer: Not Satisfied with the Packaging

Recently, we received a feedback from our customer. He said the packaging is not well when delivery. What happened? Let's see.

In March, a shipment of 55 tons of carbon steel angle steel was exported to Vietnam. The goods were supposed to be transported to the port for container loading. However, due to the lack of wooden blocks placed at the bottom of the goods, it was inconvenient to unload the cargo, which resulted in a considerable amount of time being wasted. Moreover, this oversight could potentially lead to container damage expenses.

After receiving feedback from the customer, we promptly responded and proposed a solution:

1. We proactively offered to cover the container damage expenses and offset them against future orders.

2. We committed to ensuring proper placement of wooden blocks at the bottom of the goods in all subsequent shipments.

3. We have consistently included extra space when producing shipping pallets.

We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience caused during the customer's unloading experience. However, we are glad that the customer shared their feedback with us, providing us with an opportunity for improvement. Moving forward, we will prioritize attention to detail in our services to deliver better and more comprehensive service.

As for the customer who has placed an order for 140 tons of goods, we will share the specifics of our changes after the shipment.

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